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Worship Services
every Sunday at 10:30 am
Join us Sunday mornings at 10:30 am for Worship - come a little bit earlier to grab a coffee to take into the service.
Additional Services are held during Easter and Christmas. Follow our Facebook Page to stay up-to-date or call the office for more information.
Services at Mayfair United Church are led by Reverend Shelly Manley-Tannis in addition to a number of guest worship leaders.

Our children start worship with us each Sunday and meet up front with our minister for a time of learning or just messing around. Mid-service they head out to Church School just down the hallway. The Church school classes are on the same level as our worship space. (We actually don’t have a basement for cold dingy classrooms!)
A number of times throughout the year the children join the big people for an cross-generational service when they stay for the whole worship service geared at including them even more in our learning and praise.
Once or twice a year the children lead a Sunday morning service. This is a time of great excitement and the adults think they are awesome!

Baptism & Communion
We celebrate two sacraments here at Mayfair, communion and baptism.
All are welcome to participate in communion (about 6 times each year) where we remember the meal Jesus ate with his friends with prayer, bread and grape juice. Children are included as well.
Baptism is a celebration of welcome and belonging for any age of person. We celebrate with infants & children based on promises made by their guardians, or with adults as a profession of their own faith. Baptism Sundays happen regularly based on the church calendar and availability of the families. Please contact the office if you have questions about baptism or membership.

Mayfair's Youth Group (grades 5+) meets on a regular basis once a month.
USUALLY the 4th or 5th Friday of the month, 7-9 pm.
We have fun with creativity, community projects and of course SNACKS!
Upcoming Dates:
Friday, October 27
Youth Room Reno Party
Friday, November 24
Peace month –
Making cookies for sharing
Friday, December15
Luminary Creation

Live on Sundays:
Miss a service?
Can be found on our YouTube channel!

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