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Christmas Tree Decorations

From time and talents to financial gifts, we are grateful for your generosity which allows us to serve our congregation, community, and the world!


A Caring, Christmas Community


Each Advent the Mayfair United Church Community has worked in several ways to give abundant gifts for Christmas. We have collected food and money for hampers, shared names in honour and memory on a special tree to raise funds for extra givings, we have collected for special projects on White Gift Sunday, and always had a food panty available for those who are hungry. As we know this year is very different with not having a chance to gather weekly in person – it’s more difficult to bring potatoes or soup or to create an ornament for the memorial tree….

It’s more difficult, but not impossible – and we have a plan! We will be accepting financial donations throughout Advent to be used towards:


*4 or 5 Family Christmas Hampers

*Several pounds of ground- and stewing beef to be donated

to Inter Community Ministry (a local United Church outreach) and EGADZ

*grocery cards and food for our pantry

*stamps and envelopes for reaching out 


You can make your donation by cash or cheque (mailed or dropped off) or on-line using Canada Helps

Give Now


Please consider offering this gift before December 10 and include a note that indicates ‘Caring Christmas’. 


*IF you would like your gift to be in memory or honour of someone, we will also be creating a real & virtual tree – please include the name(s) clearly in your note. 


Thank you for your generosity and love


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